By Diane DeWitte, swine Extension educator. Originally printed in The LAND - August 21/August 28, 2020. September is a busy and favorite time of year for all of us in agriculture. Harvest is near, there’s a lot to be done in crisp fall weather, and most farm families are working through repeated long days and short nights. September always includes National Farm Safety & Health Week, and this year it will be September 20-26 with the theme: Every Farmer Counts. With that in mind, it’s a good time to review some of the most important safety issues facing swine producers. SWINE FARM SAFETY EQUALS SPECIAL CHALLENGES Livestock farmers must address different types of farmer safety issues beyond those of the modern crop producer. When working with swine, caretakers deal with an intelligent, gregarious being with a long memory. Calm treatment and regular positive interaction quickly establish the pigs’ good behavior habits. A 2006 12-week study showed that when a human walked throu