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Showing posts from May, 2023

Research Spotlight - The LeeO Electronic Pig ID System

Take a peek and see how researchers and the University of Minnesota (UMN) Department of Animal Science graduate students at the West Central Research and Outreach Center (WCROC) in Morris, MN utilize the LeeO Pig ID system for capturing and sharing valuable data from the UMN swine herd at WCROC.

Organic Swine & Dairy Field Day

Mark your calendar for Thursday, June 22 for the Organic Swine, Dairy & Hybrid Rye Field Day hosted at the UMN's West Central Research & Outreach Center, 46352 MN- 329, Morris, MN. This field day will highlight the results of the multi-disciplinary research project using organic hybrid rye as a feed ingredient in diets for organic pigs. All phases of pig and rye production, manure management, economics and carcass quality have been evaluated in this ongoing study. Topics will include substituting rye in a traditional corn-soy diet, feeding and grazing organic dairy cows, and pasture walks. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. with the program from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch is provided. Lunch will include pork loin from both the rye-fed and corn-fed pigs. The event is free of charge, but RSVP is requested. Participants can register by calling WCROC at 320-589-1711, or email Yuzhi Li at .

Swine & U: UMN research on organic hybrid rye and organic pigs

By Diane DeWitte, UMN Extension Swine Educator Originally printed in The LAND - as the April 14, 2023 Swine & U Column The University of Minnesota’s (UMN) West Central Research and Outreach Center (WCROC) at Morris, Minnesota, is home to many research projects which evaluate non-conventional ag production practices. The University’s organic dairy herd, organic swine herd, and several innovative alternative energy facilities operate at the site. Swine scientists Yuzhi Li and Lee Johnston are currently collaborating with a variety of University subject matter experts to learn how to substitute organic hybrid rye into a conventional corn-soy diet for organic pigs and how the rye affects pigs’ growth efficiency and the taste of the meat harvested from them. In addition, UMN Extension Nutrient Management specialist Melissa Wilson is studying the value of swine manure by conducting adjacent field trials. This experiment is fairly unique in that it’s evaluating the full cycle - from h

Do you have your Emergency Action Plans up to date?

Emergency Action Plans (EAP) are part of Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) and a needed item for both the PQA Site Assessments and the Common Swine Industry Audit. They are a valuable tool to reduce the impact of an emergency on your farm. It allows farms to carefully plan for each possible scenario, whether it be a weather, injury, fire or other related emergency. Having site-specific information and contacts will help to effectively handle an emergency situation. Training for every person or employee involved with your farm is an important part of emergency planning and should be done on a regular basis. To comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, an employer must have a printed copy of an EAP readily accessible to all employees. Check out National Pork Board’s website for a template to assist you in creating your farm’s Emergency Action Plan.

Podcast: At the meeting. . .

Dr. Montserrat Torremorell (College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota), Dr. Gordon Spronk (Pipestone Veterinary Services) and Dr. Tom Wetzell (Swine Veterinary Consultant) have been busy recording podcasts in collaboration with SwineCast on how far the pork industry has come in the battle of PRRSv. Joining them in the conversation is two front-line leaders in the battle against PRRSv, Dr. Scott Dee (Emeritus Director, Discovery and Innovation, Pipestone Research) and Dr. Reid Philips (PRRS Technical Manager, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Inc. USA). The podcasts on the topic of the fight against PRRSv are: Tools to Fight PRRSv: Too Soon to Admit Defeat (~23 minutes) PRRS Elimination - Next Steps for the U.S. (~20 minutes)

Looking for women agriculture mentors

Minnesota 4-H is looking for women in agriculture to be mentors for youth who have an interest in and passion for agriculture. The 4-H Plant Science area has a variety of options for women to mentor youth. 4-H Agriculture Ambassadors are older 4-H members who are passionate and promote agriculture and 4-H. This would be an excellent opportunity for a mentorship experience. For more information about starting a mentorship opportunity, you can contact Brian McNeill at .

Recently published

Congratulations to the following swine faculty and educators from the swine Extension team who have had their work published recently. Lopez-Moreno, G., Garrido-Mantilla, J., Sanheuza, J. M., Rendahl, A., Davies, P. , Culhane, M., McDowell, E., Fano, E., Goodell, C., & Torremorell, M. (2023). Evaluation of dam parity and internal biosecurity practices in influenza infections in piglets prior to weaning. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 208, Article number: 105764. Doi: 10.1016/j.prevet,ed.2022.105764. Zhu, J. L., Shurson, G. C. , Whitacre, L., Ipharraguerre, I. R., & Urriola, P. E. (2023). Effects of Aspergillus oryzae prebiotic on dietary energy and nutrient digestibility of growing pigs. Translational Animal Science, 7(1), Article: txad002. Doi: 10.1093/tas/txad002.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is the perfect time to prioritize mental health and stress management . Keep this month’s resources from the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) in your “May basket” to support your own mental health as well as the well-being of others. Download this month’s farm safety calendar. Farming can be a stressful occupation. It is important for farmers to take care of themselves and their families. Minnesota has numerous resources to help with those coping with farm and rural stress. Minnesota Farm and Rural Helpline Phone: 833-600-2670 for a 24/7 confidential and free chat with trained staff and volunteers Text: FARMSTRESS to 898211 Email: Minnesota also has two Rural Mental Health Counselors who work with farmers throughout Minnesota. No cost and no paperwork! Ted Matthews: 320-266-2390 Monica McConkey: 218-280-7785 The University of Minnesota Extension’s farm and rural stress programs offer resources for those dealing with farming’s curre

Episode 34: Sow mortality in midwestern USA pig production: reasons for removal and factors associated with increased mortality.

  In the podcast Swine Extension Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with Mariana Kikuti, University of Minnesota researcher in the Department of Veterinary Medicine about her research on sow mortality in midwestern USA pig production: reasons for removal and factors associated with increased mortality. Listen to the podcast:  (~17 minutes, Recorded April 4, 2023) Learn more about research featured in the podcast Published in Vet Record , Volume 192, Issue 7, article e2539, DOI: 10.1002/vetr.2539 Summarized on the Swine in Minnesota blog , February 1, 2023