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Showing posts from June, 2021

Swine Behavior Studies: A Close Look at Tail Biting

By Dr. Yuzhi Li, Associate Professor of Swine Behavior and Alternative Production in the University of Minnesota Department of Animal Sciences. Originally printed in The LAND – as April 30/May 7, 2021 Swine & U column The University of Minnesota has a network of 10 Research & Outreach Centers (ROCs) across the state, with two of them hosting swine herds in research settings. The Southern Research & Outreach Center (SROC) at Waseca houses an 800-sow commercial farm which allows for research in growth, development and nutrition, and reproduction. The West Central Research & Outreach Center (WCROC) at Morris has long focused on conventional and organic agriculture, water quality, corn and soybean in addition to fruit and vegetable production, and renewable energy. WCROC is home to an organic dairy herd and countless swine behavior and housing studies. Dr. Yuzhi Li, member of the UM Department of Animal Science’s swine faculty, focuses on swine behavior and welfare, and...

USDA Begins Contact Swine Producers This Month

By Diane DeWitte, University of Minnesota Extension Swine Educator Originally printed in The LAND – as June 25/July 2, 2021 Swine & U column America’s swine health study census that has taken place in agriculture since 1983 has a tremendous impact on perspectives of livestock health in the United States. Conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) this study takes an in-depth look at livestock operations, their management and their health. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) oversees the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS). NAHMS works with the National Ag Statistics Service (NASS) to collect the data and evaluate it. NATIONAL ANIMAL HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM (NAHMS) NAHMS was formed to collect, analyze, and disseminate data on animal health, management and productivity across the United States. The NAHMS team conducts national studies on the health and health management of US livestock populations. US livestock commodity ...

Improving Pig Survivability project

The Improving Pig Survivability team is seeking feedback from industry personnel to help complete a  survey centered around survivability. This short survey is a part of The Improving Pig Survivability project put on in collaboration with Iowa State, Kansas State and Purdue Universities and is designed to generate information about the motivations and barriers to prioritizing improving pig survivability and reducing pig mortality on farms within the United States. This survey is directed towards anyone who works directly with pigs. This may include pig caretakers, contract growers, barn/farm managers, production managers, veterinarians and upper management positions. The results of the survey will help understand what pig farmers perceive as the most important causes of mortality and the barriers to implementing strategies that result in improved pig survivability. You can find more information about the project at . Participants will be kept confidential ...

Secure Pork Supply Still Important and Back in the Spotlight

Diane K. DeWitte, UMN Extension Swine Educator Originally printed in The LAND – as June 11/June 18, 2021 Swine & U column. In every size and type of pig production system, health is the utmost concern. American pig farmers have learned the fine details of recognizing, treating, vaccinating against and avoiding familiar diseases in swine. What would happen in the event of a Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) outbreak? Across the country, plans are being put in place to establish emergency FAD preparedness in livestock. Currently, Secure Food Supply plans have been developed for milk, poultry, beef and pork. The purpose of the Secure Supply plan is to provide livestock producers with a workable continuity of business plan should an FAD occur. In the event of an FAD outbreak, livestock movement would be restricted, and preparation for such a catastrophe is the best way to ensure that producers could continue to move animals off of the farm and move products to market. The Secure Su...

Plan to attend the Allen D. Leman Conference

The Allen D. Leman Conference is scheduled for September 18 - 21. This year’s conference will not be like any previous! It is going hybrid! Choose to join in person at the RiverCentre in downtown St. Paul. Or live-stream the conference from a distance. Recordings of all presentations will be posted online for every registrant to view. Fun social events and engaging conversations with more space than ever before. More details will be forthcoming on the conference website .

Recently published

Congratulations to the following swine faculty and educators from the Swine Extension Team who have had their work published recently. Barnharst, T., Sun, X., Rajendran, A., Urriola, P., Shurson, G. & Hu, B. (2021). Enhanced protein and amino acid of corn-ethanol co-product by Mucor indicus and Rhuzopus oryzae. Bioprocess and biosystems engineering, doi: 10.1007/s00449-021-02580-0. Garrido-Mantilla, J., Sanhueza, J., Alvarez, J., Culhane, M. R., Davies, P. , Allerson, M. W., & Torremorell, M. (2021). Impact of nurse sow on influenza A virus transmission in pigs under field conditions. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 188, 105257. Doi: 10.1016/j.prevet,ed.2021.105257. Lou, M., Ventura, B., Deen, J., & Yuzhi, L. (2021). Surgical Castration Changes Struggle Behavior and Vocalizations in Male Piglets. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, doi: 10.1080/10888705.2021.1916938. Omondi, G. P., Obanda, V., VanderWaal, K., Deen, J. , & Travis, D. A. (2021). Animal movement...

Episode 24: USDA's 2021 NAHMS Swine Study Explained

In the podcast Swine Extension Educators Sarah Schieck Boelke and Diane DeWitte speak with Charles Haley who is a veterinary epidemiologist with USDA APHIS Veterinary Services Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health. The three discuss USDA’s 2021 National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Study that will be occurring this summer. Listen to the podcast: (Recorded May 3, 2021).