Congratulations to the following swine faculty and educators from the swine Extension team who have had their work published recently.
Moreno, G. L., Nirmala, J., Goodell, C., Culhane, M. & Torremorell, M. (2021) Shedding and transmission of a live attenuated influenza A viru vaccine in pre-weaned pigs under field conditions. PLOS One, 16(2), e0246690. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pome.0246690.
Zeng, Z. K., Jang, J. C., Shurson, G. C, Thakral, S., & Urriola, P. E. (2021). Ammonia fiber expansion increases in vitro digestibility and fermentability of corn distillers dried grains with solubles with or without carbohydrates. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 273, 114824. Doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2021.114824.
Zeng, Z. K., Jang, J. C., Shurson, G. C, Thakral, S., & Urriola, P. E. (2021). Ammonia fiber expansion increases in vitro digestibility and fermentability of corn distillers dried grains with solubles with or without carbohydrates. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 273, 114824. Doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2021.114824.
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