Research spotlight - An exploratory study to characterize current oral fluid usage in pig production systems in the U.S.
Reprinted as posted on Swine in Minnesota blog March 1, 2024
Bob Morrison’s Swine Health Monitoring Project (MSHMP) researchers Xiaomei Yue, Mariana Kikuti, Marcello Melini, Sarah Vadnais and Cesar A. Corzo share the results of their pilot study characterizing the current use of oral fluid sampling in U.S. pig production systems.
Key points:
Bob Morrison’s Swine Health Monitoring Project (MSHMP) researchers Xiaomei Yue, Mariana Kikuti, Marcello Melini, Sarah Vadnais and Cesar A. Corzo share the results of their pilot study characterizing the current use of oral fluid sampling in U.S. pig production systems.
Key points:
- 66 out of 67 respondents from 42 companies and clinics are familiar with or actively use oral fluid sampling for diagnostics.
- A total of 35%, 27% and 3% of the respondents collected oral fluids on a monthly, weekly and daily basis, respectively.
- Most (69%) respondents use one rope for every two pens while the median number of ropes per barn was 3.
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