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Showing posts from July, 2023

Research Spotlight - Recent study pinpoints opportunities to better control swine flu

Reprinted as posted on Swine in Minnesota blog June 27, 2023. New research led by researchers at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) reveals that farmworkers vaccinating and weaning 3-week-old piglets can indirectly and significantly contribute to the spread of the influenza A virus (IAV) on swine farms. This information can help pig producers target biosecurity measures more strategically, curbing swine flu transmission and enhancing swine production outcomes. Continue reading the blog post.

At the Meeting podcast: Market lows causing concern

The At the Meeting, Honoring Dr. Bob Morrison podcast featured Dr. Steve Meyer, Lead Economist for Partners for Production Agriculture on the May 7 episode. Dr Steve Meyer joined Dr. Montserrat Torremorell (College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota), Dr. Gordon Spronk (Pipestone Veterinary Services) and Dr. Tom Wetzell (Swine Veterinary Consultant) to discuss the outlook for current low pig prices. Lower demand and increasing costs will make 2023 a difficult year, but Meyer says it is important to remember the advantages U.S. pork producers enjoy. At the Meeting is done in collaboration with SwineCast . Listen to the podcast (~22 minutes).

Allen D. Leman Conference

Join us for the 2023 Allen D. Leman Conference on September 16-19. Details are posted on the conference website .   Registration is now open. Leman Conference will be held at the Saint Paul RiverCentre. See Location and Accommodations for lodging information. Leman Conference is presented by College of Veterinary Medicine and University of Minnesota Extension.

How heat stress affects pigs

Temperatures have been high across much of the state this summer so far. Heat can be stressful and even deadly for your pigs if they aren’t cared for properly. Read the article on the UMN Extension swine page to learn how heat stress affects the production of pigs.

Swine & U column: Pig show season & health

By Diane DeWitte, UMN Extension Swine EducatorOriginally printed in The LAND - as the May 12 2023 Swine & U Column My recent work has focused on disease preparedness and pig farm biosecurity, and it always comes to mind when I’m attending livestock shows. Of primary importance is that exhibitors return to their animals at home without bringing along a disease. For this reason, the messages of meticulous biosecurity and careful monitoring of animals’ health are integral parts of exhibitor education. Winter’s finally finished, field work is in full swing, and the livestock exhibition season has begun. Like most Minnesota agriculturalists, I enjoy the summer’s county fairs and their animals, and, of course, the ultimate competition exhibited at the Minnesota State Fair’s youth and open-class swine shows. It’s terrific to see so many folks who’ve worked hard to bring the best pigs in the Midwest to compete in classes with optimum quality peers. My recent work has focused on disea...

Biosecurity and rules & regulations of exhibiting livestock in Minnesota

It is fair season in Minnesota, which means exhibitors and pigs are traveling to various county fairs across the state, jackpot shows and to the Minnesota State Fair. Also with the pork industry focused on keeping African Swine Fever (ASF) from entering the U.S., it is a good time to remind exhibitors about the importance of biosecurity as well as zoonotic diseases. The Pork Checkoff has several show pig resources . For a previous MN State Fair, Diane DeWitte and Sarah Schieck Boelke, both UMN swine Extension educators wrote fact sheets focusing on biosecurity in regards to ASF and PRRS . These fact sheets are still relevant. Do you know the livestock exhibiting rules and regulations for Minnesota? If not, brush up before you load up for the show. Having your animals prepared to exhibit will make your check-in process at the show go smoothly. Read MN Board of Animal Health’s Livestock Exhibition Handbook for all the rule and regulations you need to know.

‘Manure is complicated’: 5 reasons you need a manure management plan

By Chryseis Modderman, Extension manure management educator When applying manure, the main goals are to apply at an accurate rate and to avoid nutrient pollution. But this isn’t always easy because manure, in general, is complicated. There are five main factors that make manure complicated; often, more complicated than commercial fertilizer. Following a manure management plan will help combat these challenges. ​​​​​​​Read the blog post for the five challenging factors.

Resources for dry and drought conditions

Many parts of the state are experiencing unusually dry conditions while others are facing drought conditions. The Extension website has many useful resources on ways to manage drought and abnormally dry conditions for not only pigs, but also crops, vegetables and fruit, yard and garden, and homeowners.

Looking to become a PQA+ Advisor?

Do you or someone in your organization need a PQA+ Advisor certification? Contact Diane (507-384-1745 or ) or Sarah (320-235-0726 x2004 or ) with your interest. Depending on interest and when a PQA+ Advisor training scheduled we will let you know. PQA+ Advisors are the folks who work directly with producers to educate them on the PQA+ program and will help producers obtain PQA+ certification and PQA+ site status at their respective production sites. Individuals wishing to attend a PQA+ training session must meet the qualifications to become a Certified PQA+ Advisor. Qualifications include: Be a veterinarian, Extension specialist, or ag educator (for the purposes of PQA Plus, the definition of an ag educator is a person who spends full time in adult education or at least 50% time in production training) Have a D.V.M. or B.S. in Animal Science (or equivalent) Have two years of recent documentable swine production experience Certification is free to at...

Recently published

Congratulations to the following swine faculty and educators from the Swine Extension team who have had their work published recently. Lopez-Moreno, G., Culhane, M. R., Davies, P., Corzo, C. Allerson, M. W., Torremorell, M. (2023). Farm management practices associated with influenza A virus contamination of people working in Midwestern United States swine farms. Porcine Health Management, 9(1), Article 13. Doi: 10.1186/s40813-023-00304-2

Episode 35: Length of time farms stay naive of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)

  In the podcast Swine Extension Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with Mariana Kikuti, University of Minnesota researcher in the Department of Veterinary Medicine about her research on the length of time farms stay naïve of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) since last outbreak. Listen to the podcast  (~16 minutes, recorded April 4, 2023) Learn more about research featured in the podcast Published in Animal s , Volume 13, Issue 2, article 310, doi: 10.3390/ani13020310.