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Showing posts from June, 2018

Episode 6: Investigating development of swine enteroids to be used as a swine nutrition research tool

Sarah Schieck, UMN Swine Extension Educator talks to University of Minnesota Swine Nutrition PhD student, Michaela (Mickie) Trudeau about research she presented at the 2018 Midwest American Society of Animal Science meetings on investigating the development of swine enteroids to be used as a swine nutrition tool. Mickie helps listeners understand the connection between the lab work she is doing and how it can be used by pig farmers and others in the pork industry. Listen Listen to the podcast (recorded May 21, 2018)  Show notes Abstract referred to in the podcast: Trudeau, M., Resende, T. P., Guo, Y., Urriola, P. E., Shurson, G. C., Gebhart, C. J., Saqui-Salces, M. (2018). Development of Swine Enteroids As a Model to Study Lawsonia Intracellularis Infection. Journal of Animal Science, 96(Suppl 2), 213-214. Subscribe On iTunes Or through your favorite podcast app by searching UMN Extension Swine...

Pig Production Environmental Footprint Calculator

What is an Environmental Footprint? An environmental footprint is an estimate of greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and energy used – in this case, in the production of pigs.   The National Pork Board’s Environmental Footprint Calculator is designed to perform these calculations at the farm scale. What is the Purpose of this Project? The goals of this project are to assess the range of footprints for regional pig production systems, identify opportunities to improve efficiencies as we look toward the future, and better understand how producers can utilize this tool on their operations. Who is Doing This Project? A team of Extension personnel from the University of Minnesota and University of Nebraska-Lincoln are collaborating on this project. Collectively, we bring a range of experiences in the swine industry - on environmental, facility and nutrition matters - and working with state and national producer associations in extension and applied research p...

Secure Pork Supply Plan - Introduction

The Secure Pork Supply (SPS) plan is a voluntary initiative to provide commercial pork producers with a workable continuity of business plan in the event of a Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) outbreak. In the event of a FAD outbreak, movement of swine will be restricted. In order to maintain continuity of business, it will be critical for producers to be able to move pigs to the next stage of production or to market. Preparing for such an event by participating in the Secure Pork Supply plan offers producers the best opportunity to meet the expectations of animal health officials and demonstrate that their pigs are safe to move. To learn more watch a  Secure Pork Supply Plan Overview Video  (46:52 minutes). As a Swine Extension Educator, I’m helping producers prepare by disseminating the information. The following “Seven Steps to Participate” have been prepared and distributed by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health to assist Minnesota producers in developing an SPS plan for...

Secure Pork Supply Plan - Step #1

Step #1: Familiarize yourself with The Secure Pork Supply website is your primary resource for detailed information related to participation in the SPS plan.  Go to and click on the “Pork Producer” tab. Click on the 2-page SPS Plan Summary and the 1-page SPS Handout for a brief overview of the expectations of participation. Watch the Webinar or read the 7-page SPS Plan for more details. Click on each topic listed on the bar on the left to become familiar with the information available. Each topic will be addressed more thoroughly in the next steps.

Secure Pork Supply Plan - Step #2

Step #2: Validate your premises; obtain a PIN; print a map Obtain National Premises Identification Number (PIN) if you do not have one National Premises ID is available by going to If you have questions call the MN BAH at 651-296-2942 Validate your premises: Open Google maps or Bing maps Enter address of the site. If it is a new site or if the location of the pigs does not have an address, obtain a new 911 address from the county sheriff. If the home location has one address and the pigs are at a different location, the pig location should have a unique, separate 911 address that should be used for the PIN. Click on “Satellite Image” If the site location is correct, continue; If not, find the site on the map Put cursor on site at driveway; Right. Click on “What’s here?” Record latitude and longitude. Call the MN BAH to report corrections. If you find that your PIN address takes you to an address that is ...

Secure Pork Supply Plan - Step #3

Step #3: Locate and compile records: Logbooks, CVIs and SOPs State Animal Health Officials (SAHOs) must be able to easily conduct a trace-back investigation in the event of a Foreign Animal Disease outbreak. These documents will be used in future steps as you draft your Enhanced Biosecurity Plan. A PIN will be required for all premises of origin and destination for farm animal movement List all commonly used premises of origin and destination for farm animal movement including downstream sites Obtain Premises Identification Numbers for each source (origin) and destination location Transport records should include date, vehicle, driver, source PIN and destination PIN A “traceability and movement log” spreadsheet is available for standardized formatting Locate the following documents so SAHOs can review them on short notice: All movement logbooks: People entry log Vehicle and equipment entry log Animal movement log Record of checking bait stations Training docume...

Secure Pork Supply Plan - Step #4

Step #4: Enhanced Biosecurity Part 1—Introducing the Biosecurity Plan Template The Secure Pork Supply Plan requires a written enhanced biosecurity plan for each site. Remember that it is the producer’s responsibility to protect his or her herd by keeping the disease off the farm. It is the regulatory official’s responsibility to protect the U.S. herd by keeping the disease from spreading. Identify a biosecurity manager for each site or premises who understands infectious diseases and is familiar with the facility. The biosecurity manager is responsible for writing the site-specific biosecurity plan, implementing employee training and ensuring compliance.  Go to Open and review the following biosecurity resources in the "Biosecurity" tab on the left. Biosecurity Self-Assessment Checklist (print this document) Information Manual for Enhanced Biosecurity: Swine Raised Indoors (use this for reference) Customizable Template Biosecurity ...

Secure Pork Supply Plan - Step #5

Step #5: Enhanced Biosecurity Part 2—Create and Label a Premises Map A Premises Map is an important part of an enhanced biosecurity plan. It is a visual representation of the functional barriers in place to prevent the introduction of a Foreign Animal Disease. Detailed instructions for preparing a Premises Map can be found at by clicking on the Pork Producers/Biosecurity tabs; then clicking on the “Premises Map instructions” link. The direct link can be found here: You may have already created a Word document with an aerial Premises Map in Step #2. In Step #5 we will label the map. Open the Word document with the map or generate an aerial image of the site at this time. If you intend to label the map by hand, print the Word document; if you intend to label the map using a computer, follow the instructions for Inserting Shapes found on the Word control panel. The Premises Map Legend on the next page can also be used to ...

Secure Pork Supply Plan - Step #6

Step #6: Enhanced Biosecurity Part 3—Biosecurity Protocols Written biosecurity protocols are necessary to ensure accurate communication with all employees, visitors and delivery personnel. You may have collected SOPs, logbooks and other biosecurity protocols in Step #3. If not, suggestions are available in the Enhanced Biosecurity Plan Template and Information Manual for Enhanced Biosecurity, which can be found at . Click on the Pork Producers/Biosecurity tabs to find the needed information. Open and complete your Biosecurity Plan Template Include the following written biosecurity protocols or select options provided in the template: Employee and Visitor Arrival Agreement (Sample found in Appendix B of Information Manual) Vehicle and Equipment Entry Protocol (#4 Vehicles and Equipment) Animal Transport Vehicle Protocol (#4 Vehicles and Equipment) Personnel Entry/Exit Procedure (#5 Personnel) Incoming Animal and Semen Protocol (#6 Animal and Semen M...

Secure Pork Supply Plan - Step #7

Step #7: Foreign Animal Disease Training and Response It is important that all owners and employees are capable of recognizing clinical signs and lesions associated with the Foreign Animal Diseases (FADs) of swine and understand the appropriate response if a FAD is suspected. Complete the four principles of FAD monitoring: 1.  Observe! (Active Observational Surveillance) Recognize signs and lesions associated with the FADs of swine. Information can be found at . Click on Pork Producers/Disease Monitoring tabs. Review the information on these swine FADs:      a. Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)      b. Classical Swine Fever (CSF) or Hog Cholera      c. African Swine Fever (ASF) Pocket guides and posters can be ordered from the National Pork Board Pork Store . Additional materials for identifying Foreign Animal Diseases are available from Dr. Wright at wright2me.dave@gmai...